Basics of Lightroom editing

Basics of Lightroom editing - JuliPresets

Photo editing is one of the main works in creating a popular Instagram feed.
With the help of editing, you can give the photo a mood and make them more professional.
This will greatly affect your personal brand, editing in the same style you can be more recognized. 

To save time, you can take photos on your phone and immediately edit it.
Of all the mobile applications, we recommend the Lightroom mobile application. It is the most professional and does not spoil the quality of your image after editing and saving.

Download Lightroom mobile App from this link:


The first thing to do when editing a photo is to give it the right lighting. The photo should not be too light or too dark.

Lighting can be edited in the “Light” tab.

“Exposure” affects the entire photo. In the original, the parameter is at the “0” mark. If you move the slider up (to the right), then the whole photo will be lighter. If you lower the value to minus (move the slider to the left) - then the whole photo will become darker.

 Expocure in Mobile Lightroom

The next main parameter for editing is “Contrast”. It is also located in the “Light” tab.
Contrast is the difference in tones, from the lightest to grey and black areas of the photo. The higher the contrast, the sharper and coarser the photo will be. The lower the contrast - the photo will be softer, with a strong decrease the photo will be dusty.

 Contrast in Mobile Lightroom

“Highlights” parameter - adjusts the brightness of the light areas (Overexposure light).

If the light areas in the photo are too white and there is no texture in them (information is lost in these pixels), then they can be darkened. And vice versa. This will help return the color, texture, and details of the photo to this area.

The “White” parameter - adjusts the remaining highlights. Usually, these two parameters work in pairs and if one is edited in one direction, then the other is edited in the opposite direction.

The same thing, only with dark participants do the parameters “Shadows” (for dark areas) and “Black” (for the darkest areas). They brighten or darken dark areas of the photo. These parameters also work in pairs and cancel each other out. Shadow changes can significantly change the overall mood of a photo.

If you do not have your own style in photo editing, then this editing is already enough to make your photo look more attractive.

 Color correction

Color correction is a change in the tint of color in the photo to achieve a certain visual style of the image.

All color correction in Lightroom is edited in the “Color” tab.

First, you can change the overall temperature of the photo. This is done by the parameters “Temperature" and "Tint ”.

By changing the “Temperature” parameter to the right (in yellow), the photo will be warmer. Changing the parameter to the left (in blue) will make the photo colder.

Temperature in Mobile Lightroom

The "Tint" option adds tints of pink and green to the photo.

You can also play with Temperature and Tint in pairs.


The “Vibrance” and “Saturation” parameters edit the juiciness and brightness of the photo.

“Vibrance” analyzed the photo and adjusts all tints except skin color. "Saturation" adjusts all hues equally.

If your photo doesn’t have enough colors, first adjust “Vibrance” and if you don’t have enough color, add a bit of “Saturation”

If after adjusting the “Vibrance” your skin turns too orange then reduce a bit of “Saturation”.

Vibrance and Saturation in Mobile Lightroom

In addition to general color correction, you can adjust a specific color. For example, in the entire series of your photos, change the color blue to azure.

To do this, in the "Color" tab, click on the Mix button. This is a correction of each color according to the parameters Hue, Saturation and  Luminance.

Select the color you want to edit, give it a hue. Make it super bright or colorless. Light or dark. This correction only works with the color that you choose without changing other colors.

Mixing colors in Mobile Lightroom 

Life hack - if while editing the Vibrance you didn’t like how a certain color was edited, then you can change it separately in the Mix tab. 

We do not recommend making strong settings for your photos on your own, because it can look unprofessional and can significantly ruin the quality of your photo.

Use our professional presets  and play with settings after applying presets to achieve the best effect for your photos.


2 comentarios

  • Sophie

    so great and helpful too!

  • Danielle St.Louis

    This is awesome help, thanks!

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